Jam House

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Join our new hosts Gig Simulator and their house band of talented private youth music instructors for An unforgettable experience! This unique night gives students the opportunity to showcase their skills on stage, gaining confidence and performance experience while collaborating with their teachers.  Whether you’re a budding vocalist, guitarist, drummer, or more seasoned musician, all […]

Gallery Closing – Cultural Chromosomes

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Join us Friday, December 20th, from 6-9 PM in the Arts@Large gallery for the closing celebration of Rozalia Singh's Cultural Chromosomes residency. This will be the culmination of three months of exploring her journey of self-discovery through ancestry. Rozalia will be gathering a panel of family members and allies to share space and stories amidst […]

Demar Walker Opening Celebration

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Arts @ Large presents, JUNIOR | A residency of being, becoming, and belonging, with DeMar Walker This multimedia exhibition combines photography, film, costume, and performance to explore the complexities of Black male identity. Artist-In-Residence, DeMar Walker, delves into his personal experiences beginning from childhood to create a story arc that celebrates his unique journey into […]

Rooted: A Reflection on Finding & Making Home

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

A Masterclass with DeMar Walker.  This lecture presentation will focus on DeMar Walker’s dance short film series. He will discuss its influences which include the cultural histories of Milwaukee and the Midwestern United States. The presentation will also highlight the films and their connections to the artistic and spiritual practices of the African Diaspora. Participants […]

Jam House

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Join our hosts Gig Simulator and their house band of talented private youth music instructors for An unforgettable experience! This unique night gives students the opportunity to showcase their skills on stage, gaining confidence and performance experience while collaborating with their teachers.  Whether you’re a budding vocalist, guitarist, drummer, or more seasoned musician, all are […]

Reflections: A Night of Self Made Art

Arts @ Large 1100 S 5th St, Milwaukee, WI

This evening is presented by the Milwaukee Rep REFLECTIONS: A NIGHT OF SELF MADE ART What do we present on the outside? Does that truly reflect what we feel and think on the inside? How can we rip away the false pretense to show the world the real us? Even when its hard?  Each night […]

Jam House

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

We're thrilled to announce the hosts for Jam House in February, March, and April: Girls Rock MKE! Jam House is also moving to Thursday nights. Girls Rock MKE is an organization dedicated to creating safe spaces for exploring music through collaboration, expression, and technical skills. The jams are open to all ages and genders, and […]

Spring A.I.R. Academy

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

A.I.R. Academy is a free opportunity for 3rd–8th-grade young artists to explore different art mediums, discover their passion, and begin their journey as future Artists in Residence. A.I.R. Academy is held at the Arts @ Large Community Center where imagination takes flight. The Spring sessions begin on February 15th and run through March 15th, offering […]

Rooted: A Reflection on Finding & Making Home

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

A Masterclass with DeMar Walker. This lecture presentation will focus on DeMar Walker's photographic works, costumes, and surrounding exhibition.  He will discuss the influences behind the artworks and also explore […]

Jam House

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Join us for JAM HOUSE with hosts GIRLS ROCK MKE! Girls Rock MKE is an organization dedicated to creating safe spaces for exploring music through collaboration, expression, and technical skills. […]

Spring A.I.R. Academy Closing Ceremony

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Mark your calendar: Come celebrate the amazing work created by our Spring A.I.R. Academy young artists at the Closing Ceremony on March 15th at 12:00 PM. It’s a chance to […]

Junior Closing Celebration

A@L Community Center 1100 S 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI

Save the date for the Closing Celebration of Demar Walker's Junior - A residency of being, becoming, and belonging.